Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Philip K. Dick Quotes

Some quotes by Philip K. Dick -

Don't try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.

Drug misuse is not a disease, it is a decision, like the decision to step out in front of a moving car. You would call that not a disease but an error of judgment.

It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.

Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

Reality is whatever refuses to go away when I stop believing in it.

Science fiction writers, I am sorry to say, really do not know anything. We can't talk about science, because our knowledge of it is limited and unofficial, and usually our fiction is dreadful.

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.

The trouble with being educated is that it takes a long time; it uses up the better part of your life and when you are finished what you know is that you would have benefited more by going into banking.

This, to me, is the ultimately heroic trait of ordinary people; they say no to the tyrant and they calmly take the consequences of this resistance.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. - Kurt Vonnegut

Some random Kurt Vonnegut quotes for your quite not Friday kind of day...or something like that.

"Call me Jonah. My parents did, or nearly did. They called me John."

"I tell you, we are here on Earth to fart around, and don't let anybody tell you different."

"I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center."

"Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward."

"Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone."

"The universe is a big place, perhaps the biggest."

"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Indie Author Blogs and Websites you should be checking out

The following is a giant list of blogs, websites, and facebook pages of indie writers that you should be checking out. I've borrowed this list from the awesome facebook group Indie Writers Unite!


Rick Sand

Novel: A Lost and Found Land

Blog: http://rickjsand.wordpress.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rick-Sand/114398545306474


Chris Hunt

Blog: http://ckhunt.blogspot.com/ “Sleeping With My Silverware”

Facebook Page: facebook.com/christoformia


Christopher Bunn

Novels: The Hawk and His Boy, The Shadow at the Gate, The Mike Murphy Files & Other Stories, The Model Universe & Other Stories

Website: www.christopherbunn.com


John Carroll

Novels: Rojuun, Anilyia, Blue Haired Alien Girlfriend, Test Pilot, The Emo Bunny That Should, Don't Ever Change

Website: http://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/johnhcarroll

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Rojuun


Robert Collins

Novels: Expert Assistance; The Sagas of Surgard; Fun Tales of Fantasy and the Future; Lisa's Way; Monitor

Blog: http://robertlcollins.blogspot.com/

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000601491928


Scott Dennisen

Novel: Rise of the Raven

Website: www.scottdennisen.com

Blog: www.drennon.com

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Scott-Dennisen/201323246564357


Rex Jameson

Novels: Lucifer's Odyssey, The Winter Phenomenon

Blog: http://therexfiles.blogspot.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/rex.jameson

Twitter: http://twitter.com/rexjameson_fic


Michael Edward McNally

Novel: The Sable City

Website www.sablecity.com

Facebook Author Page http://www.facebook.com/thesablecity


Charles Sheehan-Miles

Novel: A novel of America's Future

Website: http://www.sheehanmiles.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.Facebook.com/CSheehanMiles


Eric Spivey

Novel: The Wizard and the King, Book 1 of the Skull Staff Trilogy.

To Be Released: A Woman Scorned: Book 2 of the Skull Staff Trilogy, Forsaken, Death of a Nobody, Twist, The Legacy of No One in Particular

Blog: http://e-s-deangelo.blogspot.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/E-S-DeAngelo/173177552732011


Art Sparrow

Novels - Xenolith, Peregrin, Lethe, Sonant


Ron Vitale

Novels: Dorothea's Song and The Jovian Gate Chronicles

Website & Blog: www.ronvitale.com

Twitter: ronvitale


Mary Pat Hyland

Novels: The Cyber Miracles, A Sudden Gift of Fate and 3/17

Website: http://marypathyland.com/

Blog: http://www.marypathyland.com/thehylander/

Facebook Author Page: http//www.facebook.com/index.php?lh=47c42213970f196dc5f3f5fb9741da0b&#!/pages/Mary-Pat-Hyland/148592325665


Layla Morgan Wilde

Novels: Peace, Love and Chocolate. A book on astrology for cats (in the works)


Blog: The Boomer Muse http://blog.laylamorganwilde.com/


Katrina Parker Williams

Novels: Trouble Down South and Other Stories, Liquor House Music

Blog: http://troubledownsouth.wordpress.com/

Amazon Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004SR10ZK

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Trouble-Down-South-and-Other-Stories/132340730115583


Marsha Canhame

Novels: China Rose, Bound by the Heart, The Wind and the Sea, Swept Away

Website: www.marshacanhamebooks.com

Blog: http://marshacanham.wordpress.com/

Facebook Author Page: Marsha Canham Romances OR just Marsha Canham


Sarah Woodbury Haug

Novels: The Last Pendragon: A Story of Dark Age Wales, Daughter of Time: A Time Travel Romance, Footsteps in Time: A Time Travel Fantasy, Prince of Time

Website: www.sarahwoodbury.com

Blog: http://www.sarahwoodbury.com/?page_id=159

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/sarahwoodburybooks


Suzanne Tyrpak

Novels: Vestal Virgin--suspense in ancient Rome, Dating My Vibrator (and other true fiction)

Blog: Who's Imagining All This? http://ghostplanestory.blogspot.com/

Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Suzanne-Tyrpak/e/B003ZTP0J4/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1


Ania Ahlborn

Novel: Seed

Website: www.aniaahlborn.com

Blog: http://aniaahlbornblogs.wordpress.com/

Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/aniaahlbornauthor


Christopher Beck

Novels: Lonesome Night, Missing Child, Rex, Till Death

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/42526.Christopher_Beck

Website: christopherbeck.webs.com


Greg James

Novel: The Eyes of the Dead (June 2011)

Website - www.gryeates.co.uk

Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/pages/GR-Yeates/10150248772620001

Other site links: www.goodreads.com/user/show/4029286-gryeates

Twitter: @gryeates


Todd Russell

Novel: Mental Shrillness

Website: http://toddrwrite.com/

Blog: http://feeds.feedburner.com/toddrwrite

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/booksbytoddrussell

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/toddrussell

Twitter: http://twitter.com/todd_russell


Jack Wallen

Novels: A Blade Away, Gothica, Shero, I Zombie I, My Zombie My

Website: www.monkeypantz.net

Facebook: facebook.com/jlwallen

Twitter: jlwallen


Judi Coltman

Novel: Is It Just Me? or Is Everyone a Little Nuts!

Website: www.judicoltman.com

Blog: My Life In a Nutshell www.jcoltman.blogspot.com


Josh Price

Novels: Not Everything Brainless is Dead, Past, Future, & Present Danger (Coming Soon(er or later))

Blog/Website: thejosh86.blogspot.com

Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/captrescue


Selene Coulter

Novels: The Hawk and the Sparrow, Hide and Seek, Illumination and Parting.

Blog: http://mydreamisworththis.blogspot.com/


Cheryl Bradshaw

Novels: Black Diamond Death, Sinnerman (Fall 2011)

Website: www.cherylbradshaw.com

Blog: www.unearththeclues.blogspot.com

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Cheryl-Bradshaw-Author-Page/193229280695236

Twitter: @cherylbradshaw


Dennis Coslett

Novels: TBA


Ty Hutchinson

Novels: Chop Suey, Shashlik (Fall 2011)

Short Story: Perfect Plan (Summer 2011)

Blog: http://tyhutchinson.wordpress.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/tyhutchinson.author


Jaqueline Lynch

Novels: Meet Me in Nuthatch, Cadmium Yellow, Blood Red, Beside the Still Waters

Website: www.JaquelineTLynch.com

Blog: Another Old Movie Blog - http://anotheroldmovieblog.blogspot.com/

Facebook Author page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jacqueline-T-Lynch/114109438611579?sk=wall


Stephanie Poscente

Novel: The Observers

Blog: sbposcente.blogspot.com and twosocksonawindowsill.blogspot.com

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/sbposcente


Patricia Rockwell

Novels: Sounds of Murder, FM for murder

Publisher website: www.cozycatpress.com

MY FB author page: www.facebook.com/PatriciaRockwellAuthor


Edward G. Talbot

Novel(s): New World Orders, Alive From New York, A Funny Pair of Shorts (short collection), A Horrifying Pair of Shorts (short collection)

Website: http://www.edwardgtalbot.com/

Blog: http://www.edwardgtalbot.com/


Naomi Clark

Novels: Night and Chaos (novella), Ungrateful Dead (short story), Wild (forthcoming novel)

Blog: http://naomijay.blogspot.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Naomi-Clark-author/122375344483965


Jennifer Rainey

Novel: These Hellish Happenings

Website: http://www.jenniferrainey.com/

Blog: http://independentparanormal.blogspot.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/TheseHellishHappenings

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/THHSeries


Steven R. Drennon

Poetry: New Beginnings

Website: www.drennon.com/poetry

Blog: www.drennon.com



Chrissy Olinger

Novels: My Boyfriend's Back, Raising Tabitha

Website: http://www.chrissyolinger.com/

Blog: http://christineolinger.blogspot.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chrissyolinger


Tracy Cooper-Posey

Novels: She has 37 but here are just a few…Blood Knot, Fatal Wild Child, Branded Rose

Website/Blog: http://TracyCooperPosey.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://facebook.com/TracyCooperposey

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tracy-Cooper-Posey/e/B001K8U7KY/

Twitter: http://twitter.com/TracyCP


Nick Davis

Novels: The Tether - None Good, Accept One, The Wonder Tales

Website: http://www.alt-world.com/

Blog: http://www.alt-world.com/

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nick-Davis/127302163985721

Wonder Tales Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Wonder-Tales/102818129799291

Tether Paranormal Action Adventure page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Tether-Saga-a-Paranormal-Action-Adventure-series-by-Nick-Davis/138244516220622


Kevin Domenic

Novels: Key to the Stars, Volume I of The Fourth Dimension, Alliance of Serpents, Volume II of The Fourth Dimension, Eye of the Tornado, Volume III of The Fourth Dimension, Retail Ramblings

Website: http://kevindomenic.blogspot.com/

Blogs: http://retail-ramblings.blogspot.com/ and http://tfdworlds.blogspot.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kevin-Domenic/161726163884672 and http://www.facebook.com/pages/Retail-Ramblings/136983647593?ref=nf and http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Fourth-Dimension/117012878352393


Colette Duke

Title: Emerald 3: a Beacon short story

Website/blog: http://www.ColetteDuke.com/

Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Colette-Duke-Author-Page/160495090681352?sk=wall

Twitter: @ColetteDuke


Maurice Fawcett

Novel: Another Kind of Rabbit Hole

Website: www.fawcettcommunications.com

Blog: www.fawcettcommunications.com/blog

Twitter: Mo_TheCanadian


Nathan Lowell

Novels: Quarter Share, Half Share

Website/Blog: http://www.solarclipper.com/

Facebook: NathanLowell

Other Sites: Podiobooks.com and iTunes


Melissa Smith

Novel: Cloud Nine and The Heir Apparent

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melissa-Smith-Author-Page/165285056858341?sk=wall


Linda Welch

Novels: Along Came a Demon, The Demon Hunters, Dead Demon Walking (books 1,2,3 of the Whisperings series.)

Whisperings Website: http://www.lindasworlds.net/

Author Website: http://lindadwelch.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Whisperings/126692584745?ref=ts


Isaac Sweeney

Novels: Women's fiction/short stories: Against Her Fading Hour

Short stories: Wouldn't Last Forever

Nonfiction essays: Students Losing Out

Websites: http://isweeney.wordpress.com/, http://www.amazon.com/Isaac-Sweeney/e/B004KB6GU8/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_1

Your Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Verona-VA/Isaac-Sweeney-WriterEditor/120398434699784


Cheryl Shireman

Novel: Life is But a Dream, Broken Resolutions

Website: http://cherylshireman.com/

Blog: http://cherylshireman.com/blog/

FB: http://facebook.com/cherylshireman

Author page: http://www.facebook.com/CherylShiremanBooks

Twitter: http://twitter.com/cherylshireman


Karen A. Thompson

Novels: Charybdis, As Simple As That, Finding Father Rabbit, The Charybdis Novels (Charybdis, As Simple as That, and Finding Father Rabbit), The King and Queen of Perfect Normal, The Flipside of Here (coming soon), It's Not About the Cookies, The Psychokitty Speaks Out: Diary of a Mad Housecat (as Max Thompson), The Psychokitty Speaks Out: Something of Yours Will Meet a Toothy Death (as Max Thompson), The Rules: A Guide for People Owned by Cats (as Max Thompson)

Website: http://www.kathompson.com/

Blog: http://kathompson.blogspot.com/


Talia Jager

Novels: Natalie's Story and Teagan's Story: Her Battle With Epilepsy

Blog: http://taliajager.blogspot.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/taliajager

Twitter: @taliajager


Benjamin Joseph Kuniyoshi White

Novels: Miya Black, Pirate Princess I: Adventure Dawns, Miya Black, Pirate Princess II: Freedom & Responsibility, Resonance Book One: Birds Of Passage, Charlotte Powers: Power Down, The Boy & Little Witch

Website: http://www.cloverisland.co.nz/

Blog: http://writingiseasier.wordpress.com/

Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ben-White-YA-Author/181375481908178

Monday, May 23, 2011

Undead in the Head excerpt

The following is an excerpt for G.W. Jefferies' short story, Undead in the Head

For the first time in a year I was actually running early for work. Traffic is mild, but by far not busy. Such a typical morning, with a tad overcast with the music flowing like the wind.

I reached over to turn on my turn signal and slowed my car down. I’m ready to go to work, but to be honest, I’m not really sure why. Nothing good ever comes from it. Work is a waste of time.

On this fateful morning, a woman who was not paying attention, going forty miles above the speed limit, ran her truck into the back of my car. There was no warning, no attempt to hit the breaks from the she devil. My seat breaks out of its hinges and the steering wheel shifts to the right. I think I’m still alive.

The car swerved into the ditch at the side of the road and in the back of my mind, I knew I had to get out of my vehicle. I remembered for television that there was a possibility the car would catch on fire. But, I really did not know that this was unlikely to happen.

I crawled out of my car and yelled, “What the Hell is wrong with you?” but I quickly fell to the ground The clouds were moving at a fast pace. This was a surprising sight. My head began to hurt and I blanked out.

Darkness fell over me. My heart beat slower and slower till I heard no more. Death temporary conquered me. And then, I rose from a metal table in a darkish green room filled with various tools and supplies typically found in a morgue. Before my body was prepared for burial, I had reawakened. No telling how long I had been dead.

“Undead, I awake and live again.” I proclaimed even though I knew I was alone. At least I thought I was alone.

Uncertainty and confusion was in the air. Why and how did I come back to life? What is the meaning, the purpose of all of this? This event did mean something. No, this is a miracle. It must be. I heard about this woman who had died and came back to life an hour later. Rigor mortis had even set in. They all thought she was dead. And why not? Your heart stops and you get buried. This is the norm.

I’m not sure how long I’ve been here. I’m no longer in a hospital. It is hard to remember past events. My body may be back, but my mind is not. Such a shame, for what is body without its mind?

There was a pair of used clothing on a chair in a corner of which I decided to put on, because I could not go out naked. With a few coughs here and there, I slid off the table. Surprisingly, for someone who had just come back from the dead, the body felt stronger and healthier than before. Maybe it was the long awaited rest that was needed. The joints were hard to move at first, but the usual flexibility came back, like the good old days.

The answers were out there and not in this mortuary. That bitch killed me. That must be it. How can such a random event take place? Of all days! I just wanted to get to work on time.

And then it hit me. Sort of like that car. A headache had come back so powerful that the pain brought me to my knees. I reached up to touch my head, as if this would some how miraculously stop the torment I was feeling. With disgust I noticed something. My hand felt a warm wet spot. A piece of my scalp was missing. How could I have not noticed this before? Everything else seemed to be ok with me, must move on and move forward to find some answers.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Charlaine Harris Passes 1 Million Kindle Books Sold

Charlaine Harris Passes 1 Million Kindle Books Sold

News release on Amazon.com.

Harris becomes the fourth author in the "Kindle Million Club," joining Stieg Larsson, James Patterson and Nora Roberts.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Philip K. Dick - Free eBooks

Philip K. Dick - Free eBooks

Source: Wikipedia (The source of ALL knowledge...and power)

Philip Kindred Dick (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982) was an American novelist, short story writer and essayist whose published work is almost entirely in the science fiction genre. Dick explored sociological, political and metaphysical themes in novels dominated by monopolistic corporations, authoritarian governments and altered states. In his later works Dick's thematic focus strongly reflected his personal interest in metaphysics and theology. He often drew upon his own life experiences in addressing the nature of drug abuse, paranoia and schizophrenia, and transcendental experiences in novels such as A Scanner Darkly and VALIS.

The novel The Man in the High Castle bridged the genres of alternate history and science fiction, earning Dick a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1963.[7] Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, a novel about a celebrity who awakens in a parallel universe where he is unknown, won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for best novel in 1975.[8] "I want to write about people I love, and put them into a fictional world spun out of my own mind, not the world we actually have, because the world we actually have does not meet my standards", Dick wrote of these stories. "In my writing I even question the universe; I wonder out loud if it is real, and I wonder out loud if all of us are real." Dick referred to himself as a "fictionalizing philosopher."

In addition to 44 published novels, Dick wrote approximately 121 short stories, most of which appeared in science fiction magazines during his lifetime. Although Dick spent most of his career as a writer in near-poverty, ten of his stories have been adapted into popular films since his death, including Blade Runner, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, Minority Report, Paycheck, Next, Screamers, and The Adjustment Bureau. In 2005, Time magazine named Ubik one of the one hundred greatest English-language novels published since 1923. In 2007, Dick became the first science fiction writer to be included in The Library of America series

Beyond Lies the Wub, 1952

Beyond the Door, 1954

The Crystal Crypt, 1954

The Defenders, 1953

The Eyes Have It, 1953

The Gun, 1952

Mr. Spaceship, 1953

Piper in the Woods, 1953

Second Variety, 1953

The Skull, 1952

The Variable Man, 1953

Friday, May 20, 2011

What customers are saying about Undead in the Head

Undead in the Head

The following are some Amazon customer reviews for the short story, Undead in the Head.

By Star P. "Star" - 5 stars
Undead in the Head (that is one of the best all-time titles on earth) is a fantastic story! The author of two other novels, (The Wind Changed As I Lay Dying and Apolo Drakuvich), is one of those stories written in first person that takes you along with the protagonist so you're there for the ride the whole story. (My favorite kind) It is one of those "stranger in a strange land" stories when Tim finds himself in the middle of some incredible circumstances and people. Did the car crash that happened on the first page really happen, and if so did it really kill him? We spend the story learning the details and finally the truth.

By J. Dawson - 5 Stars
This is a great story, one that moves quickly and keeps your interest due to the first-person narrative of Tim who wakes up after a crash and takes a while to figure out: "Am I dead, Alive, Undead...???"

He is rather accepting of his undead circumstances once he gets his bearings but I suppose that is to be expected... after all, it's better to be undead than dead, right?! And then we learn that things are not always as they first seem! In the same vein as many of Clive Barker's shorter works, this one moves, moves quickly, and builds your interest by continuing to introduce new elements in almost every paragraph once it gets going. Highly recommended, this is one of the most unique stories you'll read. By the way, the cover brilliantly captures the essence of the story as you'll see when you read it!

Breaking News: Macho Man Randy Savage has died.

SAD NEWS!! A friend of mine sent me a text message to inform me that Macho Man had died. I did not believe him. It was really unexpected news to hear on a Friday during lunch. Growing up watching wrestling, Macho Man Randy Savage was easily one of my favorite wrestlers. The guy was awesome and he is going to be missed.

This is a big loss to the wrestling world.


Florida Highway Patrol tells TMZ ... Savage was driving his 2009 Jeep Wrangler when he veered across a concrete median ... through oncoming traffic ... and "collided head-on with a tree."

Savage was transported to Largo Medical center, where he died from his injuries.

Savage's wife was a passenger in the vehicle during the collision -- but survived with "minor injuries." She was transported to a different local hospital where she was treated.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another round of - Ebooks in the News!

150,000+ TextVook eBooks Downloaded on the Amazon Kindle in One Day

WOW! Amazing numbers! I wonder what the sales would be like if the books were not free? Interesting.

Amazon: consumers buying more Kindle eBooks than print books

I'm not surprised at all by this news. When ebooks are cheaper and easier to get. I knew it was only a matter of time before ebooks outsold paper.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Book Trailers

I've been looking up ways to try and promote my books and I've heard several indie authors talk about Book Trailers. This is probably a really dumb idea or something worth looking into. I googled "book trailers" and the first link that popped up was book-trailers.net.

I was not aware that entire websites were created for book trailers. One major issue of book trailers is that there is no action. It's all words. This would work for...paper...but not really for the screen. The first and only trailer I've checked out is the following.

I'm sorry, but I give this the double C...creepy and crappy. The cover of the book is decent but that trailer really turned me off.

I've made my own crappy and creepy book trailer that I hope will turn people on. This is a cheesy political ad for Apolo Drakuvich. Enjoy!

So...until I can make a really cool trailer, I'm giving this book trailer business a thumb down.

Best Book Villains: Readers Reveal Their Favorites

Best Book Villains: Readers Reveal Their Favorites

A list on huffington post...not a bad group of picks.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Johnny Depp made 'The Rum Diary' as promise to Hunter S Thompson

Johnny Depp made 'The Rum Diaries' as promise to Hunter S Thompson

October 28, 2011 is the date for the film, The Rum Diary, to be released. Finally!! I've been waiting forever for this film to be released. This is a short article and worth the read. Depp goes into detail about the rituals for the film in honor of Thompson.

William S. Burroughs pissing off some people in Turkey

William S. Burroughs is making the news. His works are pissing off some people in Turkey. Read below.

William Burroughs publisher faces obscenity charges in Turkey

William S. Burroughs’ Wild Ride with Scientology

William S Burroughs on trial for corrupting Turkish morality

(From Wikipedia - The Source of all knowledge)
William Seward Burroughs II aka William Lee
February 5, 1914(1914-02-05) – August 2, 1997(1997-08-02)) was an American novelist, poet, essayist and spoken word performer. Burroughs was a primary figure of the Beat Generation and a major postmodernist author who affected popular culture as well as literature. He is considered to be "one of the most politically trenchant, culturally influential, and innovative artists of the twentieth century."[1] Burroughs wrote eighteen novels and novellas, six collections of short stories and four collections of essays. Five books have been published of his interviews and correspondences. Burroughs also collaborated on projects and recordings with numerous performers and musicians, and made many appearances in films.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Author Interview of G.W. Jefferies

Author Interview of G.W. Jefferies on David Cleinman's Works and Writings website.

Tell us what the book is about

Apolo Drakuvich presents a life of regret in epic proportions. Apolo sadly examines the events and decisions of his life, and the paths he took and should have taken. Apolo seeks peace of mind and justice, but flashbacks of his past continuously haunt him; moreover, he seems to be victimized by a corrupt justice system everywhere he goes.

From being called “dork” and bullied by “Cocaine Shane” during his school days, Apolo goes through a number of life changing events. One of the most defining moments of the book, peering deeply into his character, is the scene in which Apolo states, “I wasn’t always like this. I’m a hardened, thicker skin, arrogant fool. Like all of us, past events have shaped me into the person I’m today. But I’ve gone through so much crap. This environment has changed me. The people. The stupidity.”

What is special about the main character?

Apolo Drakuvich is an anti-hero. He’s a person with a struggling value system and he is trying to make things right. Whether or not that is that actual right thing to do is up to the reader but Apolo tries to make things right the only way he knows how. He’s bad but there are people far worse than he is.

What conflicts drive the story?

There is a strong inner conflict that Apolo deals with for the entire story. He’s a small time criminal but the pressure from society has turned him into something worse. Drakuvich can’t stand the daily life of San Pinto. Political corruption and a parasitic media only make things poorer for Apolo.

What would you say the theme of the book is?

Apolo Drakuvich discusses pertinent issues of today’s society, where it is next to impossible for offenders to live normal lives, despite the desire to do so.

Who would be most interested in this novel?

I think anyone who is interested in criminal justice or the law would like to read this book. It is an important story that anyone can read and get something from. Even though Apolo is a criminal, a lot of people can relate to this character in some way.

What prompted you to write the book?

It is an important story that had to be told. Apolo Drakuvich is a work of fiction. This is a slippery slope and the treatment of criminals needs to be reexamined before it is too late. There has to be a balance of proper justice and punishment. The punishment must fit the crime. Lifetime registration…lifetime harassment does not help anyone, especially if it is a small crime.

When you write, how does it make you feel?

I love telling stories. I put a lot of energy into what I write. All of my emotions and feelings go into my works. I don’t care how small or large the project is; I put all of my efforts into it. I want both the reader and myself to be satisfied with my writing. I like to experiment with my writing. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. I just keep moving forward and try to tell a great story.

What authors inspire you? Whose books can’t you put down?

I’m a hug fan of Hunter S. Thompson and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is one of my favorite books. I really dig his style and I love the blending of truth and fiction. Thompson lived a remarkable and crazy life. It’s appealing to me the dual life of Thompson. There was the character of Hunter S. Thompson or Raul Duke and the real Thompson. Somehow he managed to bring both to life. I’m also a fan of Chuck Palahniuk and his works.

Would you like to share any other stories or books that you have written?

I’ve written a book of poetry, “The Wind Changed as I Lay Dying.” It is a collection of eighty-nine poems that come straight from the heart.

What projects do you have planned for the future?

I’m working on several novels and I plan on self-publishing them soon.

Undead in the Head

Undead in the Head

Product Description

Recently undead, Tim Combes, arrives in a strange and odd place. Nothing is what it seems and the world around him has turned upside down. Tim goes on a journey to find the truth to his new existence and surroundings. But strange characters and forces try to stop Tim in his tracks.

Undead in the Head is a short story with an esitmated word count of 4,040 words.

Authors And The Trees That Inspired Them

Authors And The Trees That Inspired Them (PHOTOS)

I love tree picture #1. That picture is really cool. I'm sure I could come up with some pretty freaky stories with that tree.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Chop Suey (A Darby Stansfield Thriller)

I’m happy to announce the debut of Ty Hutchinson's first novel, Chop Suey. It’s an 89,000 word, 378 page, action-thriller that introduces you to Darby Stansfield. The lovable idiot with big ideas.

Chop Suey is a fast read that will entertain from start to finish. It had my editor gasping, giggling and laughing so hard, she more than once choked on her drink. I hope you enjoy Darby as much as she did. All reviews are appreciated whether good or bad.

Book Description
When disgraced sales associate, Darby Stansfield, discovers he has six months to save his job, he does what any normal person would do. He freaks.

Desperate to resurrect his career at Teleco Wireless, he conjures up an international scheme filled with the promise of endless high-spending clients. It’s brilliant, it’s successful, and it involves doing business with organized crime.

But soon those closest to him find themselves caught up in his dangerous plan and one of these unknowingly has the power to destroy him. Darby must now make a tough decision––give up on the one good idea he ever had or risk it all.

This is the crazy life of Darby Stansfield, telecommunications consultant to the criminal world.

Amazon (ebook/paperback)
Barnes & Noble (ebook only, paperback coming soon)
Smashwords (all ebook formats)
Coming soon to Borders, iBook, Sony Reader Store, Google Books and Diesel ebook Store

Coming Soon
Perfect Plan – Summer 2011
Shashlik (Book 2 in the DS series) – Fall 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Undead in the Head - New Cover

Here is the new cover for Undead in the Head, a story by G.W. Jefferies. COMING SOON!

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Free eBook

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka - Free eBook

Source: Wikipedia - (The Source of ALL knowledge)
The Metamorphosis (German: Die Verwandlung) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915. It is often cited as one of the seminal works of short fiction of the 20th century and is widely studied in colleges and universities across the western world. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect. Elias Canetti described it as 'One of the few great and perfect works of poetic imagination written during this century'.

Grab a copy today for free. Available in multiple formats (epub, pdf, kindle versions, etc.)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Meet The A-List Authors Of E-Book Self Publishing

Meet The A-List Authors Of E-Book Self Publishing

These guys are making a ton of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Amanda Hocking
Barry Eisler
J.A. Konrath
John Locke


G.W. Jefferies...Okay...okay...that isn't true...but perhaps someday.

Apolo Drakuvich for Mayor of San Pinto

Apolo Drakuvich for Mayor of San Pinto

--- Because...he cares about YOU! ---

--- Paid for by the committee to elect Apolo Drakuvich for Mayor ---

“We put our faith in Apple and they screwed us,” say iFlow makers

Apple blamed for death of ebook reader company

“We put our faith in Apple and they screwed us,” say iFlow makers.

It's a cruel, cruel world.

How Will Ebooks Change the Author Experience?

How Will Ebooks Change the Author Experience?

Jason Pinter brings up some valid points in his article from the Huffington Post. There are potential downsides for authors if they publish strictly ebooks. He lists the following in his article: Book Signings, Seeing Your Book in Stores, Collectors and Fans, Friends, and That Feeling. The article goes into more detail for each point mentioned here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ron Paul Moneybomb June 5th, 2011 | Legalize Gold and Silver

On June 5th, 1933 the U.S. Congress abolished the United States' use of the gold standard by enacting a joint resolution (48 Stat. 112) nullifying the right of creditors to demand payment of Federal Reserve notes in gold. Historically Gold, Silver and other precious metals have always mantained their value whereas paper/fiat currencies like the U.S. Federal Reserve note have not. Today, while the value of the paper Federal Reserve note plumments, it is illegal for Americans to use Gold, Silver or other precious metals as currency. Is this freedom? Ron Paul doesn't think so.

Ron Paul Moneybomb June 5th, 2011 | Legalize Gold and Silver

Today is World Lupus Day

Today is World Lupus Day. Watch Julian Lennon as he talks about his connection to lupus and why he is now working to increase awareness throughout the world. Join him and pledge to raise awareness at www.worldlupusday.org/pledge.html.

Hachette, Penguin, Simon & Schuster to launch Bookish

Hachette, Penguin, Simon & Schuster to launch Bookish

The netflix of books??? The go-to site for EVERYTHING books??? We shall see. I'm sure these guys are pumping a lot of money into Bookish.

New Simon & Schuster numbers indicate e-books equal dollars

New Simon & Schuster numbers indicate e-books equal dollars

The FUTURE is NOW!!! Or something along those lines. The market is going to change. No...print is not dead but there will be a shift towards ebooks. It's a brief article but worth the 2 seconds for a click to read.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Book Tour: Ty Hutchinson

Book Tour: Ty Hutchinson

Author’s Website: www.tyhutchinson.com

Author’s Blog: http://tyhutchinson.posterous.com/

I really love that cover. It's freaking awesome! Anyway, I'm reposting the author book tour of Ty Hutchinson. He's a funny guy who writes great stuff.

Chop Suey for the kindle

Chop Suey for the nook

The Secret to Creating a Wildly Successful E-book

The Secret to Creating a Wildly Successful E-book

Anne Hill reveals six tips/secrets to creating successful ebooks. These steps seem to be the new standard for self-publishing ebooks.

Create great content and produce lots of books.

53,000 Signatures for Online Petition Against HarperCollins Library eBook Policy


I mentioned earlier about HarperCollins going to limit library eBooks to 26 checkouts and now it looks like some people are pissed off about it.

Amazon.de Allows Self-Publishing To Kindle E-Book Store

Amazon.de Allows Self-Publishing To Kindle E-Book Store

The Amazon.de Kindle Store serves customers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.

This is an article about the new Amazon.de site launched recently.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Customer Reviews for Apolo Drakuvich

As of now, Apolo Drakuvich has 23 positive Amazon customer reviews and 38 book likes. The following is just one of the reviews of the Apolo Drakuvich book.

Apolo Shines, March 23, 2011 (5 stars)
By Brianna Lee McKenzie "Brianna Lee McKenzie" -
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Apolo Drakuvich (Kindle Edition)
Apolo. Poor Apolo. The pale skinny guy with the god-like name. You can't help but feel sorry for him. And yet, his problems are of his own design (or dismantling). The author does a great job at portraying a character in a way that makes the reader like Apolo, if not relate to him. The book catapults readers into Apolo's world from the very first sentence and then takes us on a whirlwind journey while we discover the character's reactions to relationships, situations, and life in general. I was captivated by G. W. Jefferies' depiction of the character's personality through Apolo's perspective.

To read more reviews check out this link.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Like" G.W. Jefferies on Facebook

Do you have a facebook page? Do you like G.W. Jefferies?

"Like" G.W. Jefferies on Facebook

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ways to Interweave Philosophical Ideas Into a Story

Ways to Interweave Philosophical Ideas Into a Story

Virtually any literary work can be improved upon simply by including some aspect involving beliefs. What it actually equals is contemplating substantial questions, and truthfully searching for answers.

Countless authors try to do this, no matter what the style of literature may be. The challenge is to do this adequately, without seeming preachy or pedantic. Not many works of fiction maintain the ideal tone, and some of those that do sometimes go on to be considered as classics.

I have been learning and writing about religion and philosophy for well over fourteen years. As a result, I am certainly acutely aware of the intricate equilibrium between intellectual exploration and entertainment value. Both elements are important, but to really do well at accomplishing this, entertainment value is significantly more important.

Whenever a person is pulled into a riveting narrative, they may easily discover new possibilities that were otherwise off limits to them. To put it differently, a good storyteller is able to induce philosophical exploration in the reader without them even realizing it. And when you include a healthy dose of imagination, together with the different possibilities that it can bring, you have a great fantasy novel.

Regrettably, some authors take a heavy-handed approach. These writers have already decided to make a specific philosophical point, and bend the story with the goal of achieving this. Such an approach is a misstep.

But still a number of authors do just this in their novels. Very often they think that they're being philosophical by taking this approach. But the reality is that there isn't much true inquiry taking place in their novels. They have already reached their conclusions, and aren't exploring fresh viewpoints. Rather, they set out from the beginning to persuade us that their perspective is the right way.

No matter what that is, I'm unwilling to characterize it as philosophy. It is more akin to spiritual fundamentalism, minus the faith. Actual fiction writing is focused on taking the audience on a trek during which they encounter the feelings that many of us undergo throughout the course of our lives. It's not at all about demonstrating a point or being pendantic. That may be what activists and gurus do, not real authors.

The prime directive is to always uphold the integrity of the story. When in doubt, choose what is best for the story. If there is a theme, it should grow naturally out of the story itself.

It's completely fine to get started with certain themes in mind, but the conclusions should never be predetermined. Otherwise the whole endeavor is contrived, and your audience will certainly perceive this.

Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/writing-articles/ways-to-interweave-philosophical-ideas-into-a-story-4715789.html#ixzz1LOqSCfz8
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Writing as Therapy

Writing as Therapy

Most writers are aware of the therapeutic nature of writing, but most may be less than willing to admit such writing therapy may be personally beneficial.

Sometimes the writing that is most helpful us on a personal and emotional level is writing that we do not wish to be published. It is highly personal, but can helps us understand something about ourselves.

Leslie Ridgeway and Dale Griffith have seen firsthand the benefits of using writing as a therapy among the women inmates at York Correctional Institute in Connecticut.

These two individuals worked with the women at YCI. They encouraged the inmates to write their inmost thoughts without the threat of condemnation. They discovered there was a sense of healing that took place when these women admitted their hurts in writing.

According to their 2002 report entitled, "Struggles: Writing as healing" Ridgeway and Griffith admit, "Many women had reached the limit of their coping skills... educational staff worried about the women's mental and physical health and discussed ways to help them cope. A safe port in the emotional storm was needed."

The 'Struggles' program centered around using words to capture their recollections on violence in their lives.

One inmate wrote, "As children we're taught to respect and obey our parents. Usually I covered with my hands up protecting my face and head. A reaction that I'm sure is a defense mechanism of survival. I didn't harm my mother, but my physically defensive behavior of pushing her away from me shocked her back into reality. The beatings finally stopped and I was left with the question as to why I hadn't reacted to her actions years earlier."

While we seek to identify with the pain the author feels, we also gain a sense for the liberation she feels in finally saying in print what had been bottled up inside for so long.

One unnamed woman who was part of the inmate writing exercise reported, "Seeing our violent experiences in writing is more personal and real - especially when we read them aloud. When I hear myself aloud, I'm relating my experience to someone else, and the emotional feelings, which have often been repressed, hit me."

As a focused writer it might be assistive to you to take regular time to write something that is simply theraputic. None of us came from perfect situations in life. By writing about your past you may discover a sense of personal freedom and increased freedom to pursue your writing career with less baggage.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Continue to Dig - Poetry

I Continue to Dig

Digging, digging
The hole isn’t deep enough
digging some more
up to my legs now
still time to get out
But I continue to dig
Maybe I can’t stop
Maybe down is the only
way to go

Digging, digging
up to my chest
in trouble, but I can
make it
choosing my destiny

Digging, digging
up to my head
Why didn’t I stop
at my legs?
I still have time
My last hurrah!

But sadly
I keep digging
no way out
All I can do
is lay down
and hope for
a quick ending

Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley - Free ebook

Frankenstein or, the Modern Prometheus by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley - Free ebook

The novel begins on a ship sailing north of the Arctic Circle, where the captain spots a figure traveling across the ice on a dog sled. This is Victor Frankenstein's creature, and close behind is Dr. Frankenstein himself. Invited onto the boat, the weak and ill Doctor tells the story of his alchemical studies and eventual construction of a man from inanimate matter.

Genres: Horror, Banned Books, Gothic, Fiction and Literature, Audiobook

Free ebook available in multiple formats: (epub, pdf, kindle versions, etc.)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dracula by Bram Stoker - Free ebook

Dracula by Bram Stoker

The world's best-known vampire story begins by following a naive young Englishman as he visits Transylvania to meet a client, the mysterious Count Dracula. Upon revealing his true nature, Dracula boards a ship for England, where chilling and gruesome disasters begin to befall the people of London...

Available for free in multiple formats (epub, pdf, kindle versions, etc.)

One of my favorite books. :)

Amanda Hocking

Authors catch fire with self-published e-books

"By May she was selling hundreds; by June, thousands. She sold 164,000 books in 2010. Most were low-priced (99 cents to $2.99) digital downloads.

More astounding: This January she sold more than 450,000 copies of her nine titles. More than 99% were e-books."

This is an article that you should check out. Hocking is the current queen of the indie book world. Amazing numbers!